After nearly being blown away in Fremont, we made our way to Marion, Ohio on the afternoon of July 10, 2013 to visit sites related to President Warren G. Harding. While there were wires down along our route to Marion, it seemed as though that city had missed the storm. Without an impending storm, I could take my time at the Harding sites and stand in the footprints of our 29th President.

I am standing in front of the home of Warren and Florence Harding located in Marion, Ohio. In 1891, the couple were married in this house; unfortunately the home was closed when I was there.
I am standing on the beautiful porch of the Harding home. It was during the Presidential election of 1920 that Harding conducted his “Front Porch Campaign” from this very spot.
You might wonder what excites me the most about this Presidential quest? It’s standing in the footprints of our Presidents; which is exactly what I was doing in this photo. President Harding was photographed standing in this exact spot 93 years earlier.
Although this memorial resembles a Greek temple, it’s actually the tomb of Warren and Florence Harding in Marion, Ohio. This design kept with the President’s wishes of being buried in a simple grave under a tree and under the stars. I’m not so sure I would call this grave “simple”!
Although an iron fence on the inside of the memorial kept me from standing on the black granite grave marker of Harding, I was still able to be photographed with the tombstone. As you can see, the President (on the left) and his wife were buried beneath a tree and the open-air memorial kept them under the stars. As hard as I tried, I was unable to find a way to stand on the gravesite.
I have to admit it was a bit spooky walking around this cemetery in the dark, but I just had to see the Harding Tomb illuminated at night. I liked the grave of Rutherford B. Hayes, but this tomb is spectacular in comparison.

My first day of touring Presidential sites was over and the day was exhilarating, to say the least. I spent the night near the TV in my photographer’s hotel room where I reflected on what I had experienced. Keep in mind, bobble heads don’t sleep as our eyes are painted open. That’s okay because my job is to stand guard over the room and help keep spirits away. Like the Cowardly Lion said repeatedly in the Wizard of Oz: “I do believe in spooks; I do believe in spooks”!

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Thomas Watson

My name is Thomas Watson and I've been a U.S. history fanatic since I was 9 years old. In 2013, I decided to take my passion to the next level when I purchased a Thomas Jefferson bobble head with the sole intention of photographing that bobble head at Presidential sites. From that first day on July 10, 2013 at Spiegel Grove in Fremont, Ohio, this journey has taken on a life of its own. Now, nearly 40,000 miles later, I thought it was time to share the experiences, stories, and photos of Jefferson's travels. Keep in mind, this entire venture has been done with the deepest respect for the men who held the office as our President; no matter what their political affiliations, personal ambitions, or public scandals may have been. This blog is intended to be a true tribute to the Presidents of the United States and this story will be told Through the Eyes of Jefferson. I hope you enjoy the ride!

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