My photographer and I don’t hesitate to admit that Lyndon B. Johnson is not one of our favorite Presidents, even though he accomplished some incredible things while in office. And while our tribute to our 36th President paled in comparison to our previous ‘Hail to the Chief’ show which featured the life and assassination of John F. Kennedy, I think the LBJ episode turned out pretty good – especially when I saw my goofy photographer wearing a cowboy hat for the first time in his life.
It’s been said everything is big in Texas, including Johnson, and the two of us hope you’ll do us a big favor and click on the link below to watch another rip-roarin’ episode of ‘Hail to the Chief’. During this show, you’ll see the sites Tom and I have visited which were associated with LBJ, and at the same time, you might get a laugh when the two of us rode off into the sunset on the LBJ Ranch.
If you find the LBJ show interesting, please share the link with your friends on social media. While we don’t make a red cent, or a silver dime, on any of our episodes, it will help our audience grow. Tom and I love to share our stories, and antics, about our Presidential adventures with as many people possible. When you’re finished watching the show, please click the ‘Like’ button if you thought it was good and leave us a comment.
Now hop onto your horse, click the link, and giddy-up. “Yeeeee-haw”!