Today, April 13, 2023, is the 280th anniversary of the birth of our third President Thomas Jefferson, who was born at his father’s Shadwell Plantation near Charlottesville, Virginia in 1743. I, on the other hand, was born in China sometime in late 2009 and I didn’t find my permanent home until May 2013.

While it’s a joyous occasion for me to celebrate Jefferson’s birthday today, it also saddens me to think of two other Presidents who met their fate on each side of this historic day. Franklin Roosevelt died at the age of 63 in Warm Springs, Georgia on April 12, 1945. Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865 and died the following day at the age of 56. To me, April 13th is a Presidential sandwich of historic and titanic proportions.

Speaking of Titanic, that historic ship began its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912, collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean on April 14th, and sank early in the following morning, April 15, 1912.

Last week, GBS Media in Port Huron, Michigan released another episode of Hail to the Chief where my photographer and I paid tribute to the life of our 32nd President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Since yesterday was the anniversary of FDR’s death, please click on the link below and check out our show – it’s one we think you’ll enjoy. And while you’re at the site, watch our three-part episode about the life of Abraham Lincoln as well.

My photographer and I thank you for visiting this site and for watching our show ‘Hail to the Chief’. And this week, please keep Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR in your thoughts. Oh, and don’t forget the 1,517 soles who lost their lives when Titanic sunk.

Hail to the Chief with host Tom Watson who talks about the 32nd President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and what he accomplished – Blue Water Healthy Living

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Thomas Watson

My name is Thomas Watson and I've been a U.S. history fanatic since I was 9 years old. In 2013, I decided to take my passion to the next level when I purchased a Thomas Jefferson bobble head with the sole intention of photographing that bobble head at Presidential sites. From that first day on July 10, 2013 at Spiegel Grove in Fremont, Ohio, this journey has taken on a life of its own. Now, nearly 40,000 miles later, I thought it was time to share the experiences, stories, and photos of Jefferson's travels. Keep in mind, this entire venture has been done with the deepest respect for the men who held the office as our President; no matter what their political affiliations, personal ambitions, or public scandals may have been. This blog is intended to be a true tribute to the Presidents of the United States and this story will be told Through the Eyes of Jefferson. I hope you enjoy the ride!

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