Chester Alan Arthur, our 21st President, is one of the lesser-known Presidents in our history. As a matter of fact, Ol’ Elegant Arthur is so obscure that I’ve only been to two sites dedicated to him. One was Chet’s birth site, which my photographer had to trick his wife to drive 150 miles out of the way to see on July 10, 2017. And the second was his gravesite, which I visited just two days earlier just outside of Albany, New York.
But somehow, Tom managed to put together some information that helped bring to life Chester Arthur Presidency on our show ‘Hail to the Chief’. For a little over 14 minutes, you will be on the edge of your seat with facts about the man who owned over 80 pairs of pants and looked a lot like the ’60s television icon Captain Kangaroo.
Please click on the link below to watch the Chester Arthur episode. And while you’re visiting the Blue Water Healthy Living site, check out our other shows as well. And lastly, my photographer and I would appreciate it if you shared the link to ‘Hail to the Chief’ on social media. It helps our audience grow, even though we don’t make a dime from any of the shows. Thank you for reading this blog and for watching our show!
Hail to the Chief with Tom Watson: 21st President Chester Arthur – Blue Water Healthy Living